A user can then specify the time between each frame, the color of the figures, along with the dimensions of the resultant GIF animation. You can move these joints and save a frame for each change. The figures presented to you are composed of nodes for each ‘joint’ in the figure. The function of this application is to help people easily make stick figure animations by controlling the motion of the stick figures in every frames. Pivot Stickfigure Animator is a fun application that is made for computers which are running the Windows OS. Why not give it a try….Bored on a Sunday and want to have some fun? If yes, then you should try out the fun app called ‘Pivor Animator’. But there is an active forum community where you can find out about developments to the program and find some really useful helpsheets. Unfortunately, at the moment you can’t create your own figures from scratch, there’s no library of figures like there is in pivot and you can’t import backgrounds. I like the ease at which you can add lines and circles to the stick figures and the chunky figures give a more realistic feel. As well as being multi-platform, Stykz also has some additional features. Stykz is very similar to pivot stick figure animator, but will work on Apple Macs, and a Linux version is in the works, which is great news for netbook users. So, a bit of time with my good friend google and I came across Stykz. But what about those non-windows folks who aren’t able to use this fantastic tool? A mac user recently asked me about how they could get pivot to work on their apple, and unfortunately the answer was that they couldn’t. Pivot stick figure animator is a well known and well used application. One Response to “Pivot Stick Figure Animator”

Not really suitable for school, but I have downloaded some at home and brought them in on my stick. Try downloading extra stick figures from . Pivot is freeware and can be downloaded from I can’t wait to try Pivot version 3, but it’s still beta at the moment and I’ve heard it’s quite buggy. The story board also leaves all your previous frames on show so the kids can easily see the progression of what they are doing. Simple and brilliant! Save the files as animated gifs and use in Windows Movie Maker to create wonderfully complicated stories with multiple characters or add to music to make dance videos. Clicking Next Frame will act like taking a photo and it leaves a shadow so you can see your previous frame when making the next movement. We do lots of film making at school so there will no doubt be more posts on this subject! I have found pivot to be the best way to introduce the concept of stop motion animation. A very popular (and free!) program so I’m sure most are familiar with it already.